Finding Freedom through Friendship



In rural areas, lodging is often fragile, lacks utilities and is insecure.

Quality of Life is the ability to pursue daily activities without fear or exposure to crime


The level of upgrade for a widow's lodging depends on the country, land availability, accessibility, city laws, schools, transportation and utilities

The FFF steering committee determines the optimum option for upgrading a “home”.    

The options are buying land, building a house, renovating and renting.


Land is available and is reasonably priced.  

Land purchases are typically less than 1 acre.

When feasible, both the land and house are titled in the name of the widow and her oldest daughter for long term guarantee of ownership.


Land is not as available and is expensive.

Options are limited to buying or renting an apartment or renovating an existing home.

Enhancements are only done on a property that belongs to the widow.     


The bare necessitates of furniture, kitchen tools and utensils provide comfort and convenience

while gaining valuable time to spend at work and family.

Ideally every family should own a refrigerator, oven, hot water heater, washing machine and dryer.

However, ownership of appliances is impacted by affordability, income level and availability of fuel.  

Another limiting factor is the ability to connect, pay and maintain these electrical devices.

FFF provides as many appliances and furnishing after assessing the factors corresponding to each household.

Basic appliances & furnishing reduces hours spent on daily household maintenance



Dirt flooring is a bed for parasites and pathogens that thrive in soil and feces and are easily

transmitted through ingestion or touching.  

Diarrheal diseases kill an estimated 1.8 million people each year, the majority of whom are under five years of age;

3 million children die from parasitic diseases annually.

Infected (but surviving) children face the complications of malnutrition and anemia,

which can lead to physical stunting and slow cognitive development.

Infected children attend school less and exhibit diminished school performance.  

Tile and concrete are easier to clean and maintain.

Concrete or tile flooring is an immediate benefit to the families by reducing illness & death.


For centuries, the poor have cooked on open fires inside their  homes.

Open fires and primitive stoves fueled by materials such as coal and biomass

(wood, dung and crop residue release harmful particles.

When fumes are regularly inhaled, this can cause diseases such as asthma, lung disease and pneumonia.    

Each year, an estimated 1.9 million people (mostly women and children) die from the effects of these traditional cooking methods.

Excessive smoke inhalation is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5 (World Health Organization).

Also, there are instances of facial, hand burns and death due to children falling into open fires while playing or learning to walk.  

Moreover, women and children have daily to gather wood/straw –

often travelling long distances, resulting in lost hours of productivity.

Finally, the impact of carrying heavy loads of fuel  leads to detrimental health impact especially on women.

If gas or electricity is available, a modern stove is installed.  

Otherwise, FFF installs ventilated Plancha stoves.

Cooking on an open fire is a silent unrecognized killer


Water with no bacteria and pathogens is a necessity for good health.  

60% of disease is transmitted from lack of clean drinking water.

For many rural people, the only source of water is rivers, streams, ponds, or rainwater which become stagnant in dry seasons.  

Even clear and apparently fresh water may be polluted with microscopic disease-causing pathogens,

with children being especially vulnerable.

When plumbing is available, it is connected to showers, toilets and drinking water.  

In lieu of public plumbing, a Gravity Water Filter is installed to supply water using a simple two container system

providing up to 10 gallons of safe drinking water every 24 hours.

Water cisterns are donated when funds are available.

•  Today, 1.6 billion people worldwide lack access to electricity and rely on dangerous, toxic,

    and expensive to maintain kerosene lanterns or fuelwood as the primary source of light.

•  FFF has partnered with LuminAID solar lights as a rechargeable green energy lighting

    solution to open flames and lanterns.

•  Electricity and/or solar lights have an immediate positive health impact by eliminating

    the intake of noxious and toxic fumes.

•  Light enables children to pursue studies after dark -- breaking barriers to education

    through increased school attendance, higher grades, and more school studying

•  Solar light is less costly than kerosene and fuelwood.

•  Light enables families to conduct after-hour business.

•  Light provides safety, in particular for women & girls at night.

•  Solar lights are a backup to electrical blackouts.

•  Solar light sources are environmentally friendly.

Solar is a naturally renewable energy, which improves air quality for individuals.